Monday, January 5, 2015

Donut Envy

Dare I say a healthy chocolate donut recipe??? Like I said in my [about me] I tend to live on the edge. ;) Where were we? oh yes donuts....the most important meal of the day (or is that breakfast?)  But really, these donuts blew my mind!! I am a bit of a skeptic of sweets with no butter & limited sugar that claim to be moist. I'm no dummy but let me tell you I ate my words...literally!!! These donuts are moist and chocolately and delicious and absolutely sinful. Ok Ok, I know what your thinking, NEW YEAR = NEW ME blah blah why are you tempting me with chocolate donuts. But wait!! these ingredients: whole wheat flour, Greek yogurt should change your mind. If you are like me you love sweet treats but not those that are dense and over rich. I have searched and searched for the perfect donut recipe that is not all cake but not all yeast and it just so happened to contain ingredients I don't mind to consume. I would recommend these delicious chocolate pieces of love to your spouse, significant other, best friend, roommate, neighbor, or just step outside and yell hot donuts and I'm sure someone will come with a hungry belly and huge smile :) xo 

Love From the Oven - Chocolate Donuts

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