I blinked. They told me not to, but here we are and you are O N E. I tried my hardest and wasn't able to figure out how to freeze or even slow down time so I guess this was inevitable. I truly can't believe how fast the last 12 months have gone. You are so stinking handsome, smart, sweet, and goofy as can be. You are all the things this mama wished for and many more! I love every single moment we have shared in the last 12 months and I look forward to every one we will share in the future. I know I am not a perfect parent and thinking back on your first year of life there are many things I will do differently the second time around. But I can honestly say I have given you every ounce of love that I know how to...and then some. It has been a wild and crazy but incredibly fun ride so far, little dude.
Last weekend the weather was perfect and it was your birthday party weekend so we celebrated with an impromptu photo shoot in the back yard full of a few of your favorite things, some giant balloons, and cupcakes. Because...duh! I love you punkin. Here's to many many more!
These two....I just can't handle how much love this kid has for his dada |
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